VERY interesting fare from Brazil to Germany with LATAM in Business Class that has some very flexible rules.
The base fare is from Porto Alegre, Río de Janeiro or Sao Paulo to Frankfurt, Munich, Dusseldorf and other cities in Germany.
The one-way fare prices out at about $600 (USD), this is for routing from GIG-GRU-FRA but for just $100-200 more you can route via Johannesburg (either on LATAM or codeshares on South African) , stopover for several days and then make your way to Europe via London, Zurich, Amsterdam, Zurich or even the Middle East!! Abu Dhabi, Istanbul and even Tel Aviv are valid routing and price out at the time of this post.
Brazil to Africa to Zurich and then Germany
Brazil to Africa to Turkey to Germany!
Brazil to Africa to Israel to Germany!
Brazil to Africa to London to Germany!
Brazil to Africa to Turkey to Germany!
Here are just some of the sample flights!
At PremiumCabinDeals, our team can work with you on a consulting session to plan a trip around this fare if based in Brazil or other parts of South America. For all travelers we can also work to figure out dates and how to position in order to to take advantage of this "Premium Cabin Deal" ! 😃
Want to learn more about how to travel like this for economy prices or have any questions regarding miles / points or flights. Reach out to the team here at and follow us on Instagram!
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